Who are the hottest TV couples today, you ask? That’s a tough question since there are a lot of them, but we’ll give it our best shot.

TV couples come in all shapes and sizes. That much is true. But the most memorable ones all seem to have something in common. They are all insanely hot and so into each other. The chemistry between these small-screen pairings is so spot on that you can literally feel the sparks flying off your TV’s screen.

Stick around if you want to find out our top picks for the hottest TV couples. And, who knows? You might even learn a thing or two from some of the men on our list on how to make a girl want you. But, of course, let’s not forget. There’s also something for our LGBTQIA friends to enjoy on this list.

So, without further ado, here’s our list of the best TV couples today.

1. Naomi Nagata & James Holden (The Expanse)

This SyFy series has got us hooked, especially with Naomi Nagata and James Holden sizzling things up with their hot space sex. But what we really like about this couple is that they’re not all about sex. Don’t get us wrong. We totally dig the hot space sex, but it’s also nice to see a TV couple who anchor each other. This just makes their characters extra sexy.

The show is jam-packed with sophisticated political conflicts and exciting space action that’ll surely keep you on the edge of your seat. Holden and Naomi are sometimes central to the conflicts that force them to face difficult moral dilemmas. The way they match their mental acuity with their physical needs with each other helps them overcome such difficulties. This is the kind of gravity we like.

2. Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught (Wynonna Earp)

Although straight couples still dominate the mainstream TV landscape, we now see more LGBTQIA couples taking their spot in the limelight. Take, for example, Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught, better known as Wayhaught, from the TV series Wynonna Earp.

Their love story began when Waverly realized her growing attraction for Nicole and that her feelings for her boyfriend are tepid at best. It isn’t long before Wayhaught is born. Their relationship is strong enough to withstand challenging breakups and deadly injuries.

There’s no denying that Waverly and Nicole are meant for each other. We are convinced that they are by far one of the best lesbian couples on TV today. Plus, the visually luscious styling and the hotness of the lead characters make the show extra hot and spicy.

3. Betty & Jughead (Riverdale)

When it comes to hot TV couples in high school, one of the first couples that come to mind is Betty and Jughead from Riverdale.

Their story is a tale as old as time, or at least as old as their viewers. It’s about two high school hotties falling for each other—while solving small-town murders. It took them a while to get over their egos. But when they did, they’re romance blossomed exponentially.

Although they’ve already parted ways (we’re still bummed about that, by the way), we’ll forever be Bugheads at heart. After all, Betty chose to lose her virginity to Jughead, which is the most beloved hookup of the entire series. It wasn’t just sweet. It also felt more heartwarming and earned, especially since it happened after a multiple-episode break between the two of them.

4. Claire Randall & Jaime Fraser (Outlander)

Outlander combines time travel with romance—and the final result is epic. Jamie and Claire traveled through time and country to build a life together. Their love is both romantic and classic. It’s also hot and heavy—full of want and need for each other.

Whenever these two are together, they just can’t keep their hands off each other—even after going through so many challenges. Take a look at their reunion sex. After 20 long years of being apart, the first thing they did is—you guessed it—to get jiggy with it. And we haven’t even told you about their awkward yet brilliantly shot sex scene after they were forced to get married!

Go watch the series. It won’t disappoint.

5. Ian Gallagher & Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)

The on-screen chemistry between the actors who played Ian and Mickey on Shameless can only be described as electrifying. In fact, they give chemistry a whole new meaning. You can literally feel their bond emanating from the TV screen.

Theirs is not the healthiest relationship because violence is deeply enmeshed in their union and environment. But the heat coming from these two will definitely start a fire in your pants. Watch it, and you’ll see what we mean.

Final Thoughts

Sure, some of the couples here don’t have the most enviable or even healthiest relationships, but that’s not our criteria who gets to be on this list. This is a list of irresistibly hot couples that will make you want to escape into their lusty love story. And if you want more steamy sex scenes to watch, check out our Netflix recommendations for a treasure trove of hot movies to heat up your days and nights.