When you hear someone say Kegel exercises, the first image that probably pops into your mind is granola-eating women in yoga pants. While it was initially created with women in mind, experts have found that it can also be used for a lot of other things, such as help men boost their sexual performance.

If you find it hard keeping up with your partner in the bedroom, skip the erection pill and try Kegel exercise for men instead.

What is the PC Muscle and What Happens to It as You Get Older?

Kegel exercises were developed by a male gynecologist in the late 1940s as a means to help women treat their urinary incontinence without the need for medication or surgery. But after working with thousands of women, lo and behold, he found out that pelvic floor muscle exercises can result in stronger and more powerful orgasms.

Like women, men also have interconnected pelvic floor muscles. But it’s taken them longer to realize that they could also benefit from doing Kegels. Fortunately, men are finally catching up on the fact that they can also take advantage of doing Kegel exercises for sex.

The PC muscles, also known as pelvic floor muscles, are interconnected muscles that support the bladder and rectum for improved urine flow.

The three pelvic muscles include the:

  • Puborectalis muscle
  • Iliococcygeus muscle
  • Pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle)

You may remember the days when you could easily meet the demands of your partner in the bedroom back when you were younger. But now that you’re a little more advanced in years, you may find it harder to keep up. You may even experience premature ejaculation these days. That’s because the PC muscles lose their strength as you get older.

Exercising these muscles can help prevent you from ejaculating too early. This way, you’ll no longer have to worry that you won’t be able to satisfy your partner.

Moreover, Kegels can also help treat erectile dysfunction in men. Of course, for it to be effective, you need to partner this with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Health Benefits of Kegel Exercises

Do Kegel exercises really work? What can it do for men?

There’s a growing body of evidence showing that it doesn’t just help women. Kegel exercises can also help men.

It’s not just for premature ejaculation. It also has many health benefits. In a 2014 study, experts have found that pelvic floor muscle exercises may be helpful in various clinical circumstances, such as post void dribbling, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and pelvic pain.

Just like women, men can also lose strength in their PC muscles due to age. If Kegels can help women, there’s no reason why they can’t also work for men.

Another piece of research shows that Kegels can also help men with painful ejaculations due to prostatitis.

Building a Kegel Routine Like a Boss

The first step to doing Kegels is locating your pelvic floor muscles, which is easier said than done. The best way to do this without pulling all your hair out is by holding your pee midstream. You can also try tightening the muscle in your anus as if you’re preventing yourself from passing gas. Your balls will tell you if you got the right muscles. Yes, your balls. If they rise every time you squeeze, you’ve found the muscles you’re looking for. So don’t be shy and give them a good hard look.

Now that you’re acquainted with your PC muscles, you can proceed to exercise them. But, first, relax. Find a comfortable position and let your inner Zen master come forth. Most beginners find it easier when they’re lying on their back, so you can start with that.

Squeeze and hold your pelvic floor muscles for about three to five seconds and relax them for another three to five seconds. Do this for about 10 to 20 times per session.

Repeat this for at least three to five sets daily. This is just the minimum recommendation, so feel free to practice more if you like.

When you’ve gotten the hang of it, you can slowly increase the contraction length from three seconds up to 10 seconds. Just remember to squeeze and release for the same amount of time.

There is no set rule that dictates when you can practice Kegel exercises. However, to help you start a routine, it’s still best to follow a fixed schedule. Some of the best times to practice include:

  • The minute you wake up in the morning
  • After answering the call of nature
  • Right before your bedtime

You can also do Kegels while at work or during your lunch break. Nobody has to know. It’ll be your little secret.


Kegels are very effective, but they’re not magic. You can’t expect it to work overnight. You need to stick to it for at least two to four weeks to see results. So while you’re waiting for it to take effect, you can hold off on sex and spice things up with your lady with some hot sexting for the time being. In a few weeks, she’ll be in for a delicious surprise.