Giving compliments can be an excellent way to flirt or show interest in someone. It’s also a great way to demonstrate appreciation for your partner. However, there’s a fine line between giving genuine compliments and sounding creepy. Instead of creating an instant connection, you may end up freaking a woman out.

So how do you compliment a woman without sounding borderline creepy or perverted? The best way to compliment a girl is by being honest and sincere, and we’ll teach you how to do that without scaring her away.

How to Make a Girl Want You: Compliment Her the Right Way

Here are some tips on how to compliment a girl without being creepy.

1. Be Unique

“You’ve got a nice smile” sounds like a good compliment. However, it also sounds generic and superficial. That’ll probably get you a polite smile or a raised eyebrow. Either way, you’ll most likely get ignored.

If you want your compliment to be well-received, it has to be authentic and spoken from the heart. Make her feel special. Remember, the best compliments for a woman are tailor-made. It also shows that you are paying attention and you’re making efforts in getting to know her.

2. Be Respectful

Men and women respond differently to sexualized compliments or solicitations for casual sex. If you don’t mind being catcalled, it’s not the same for women.

For women, catcalling is not a compliment. In fact, it’s considered street harassment. Shouting, whistling, honking, or making comments on their physical attributes on the street are all inappropriate behavior. It also makes women feel unsafe and objectified.

If you like a woman, respectfully approach her and start a conversation with her. If she entertains you, you can drop simple compliments here and there as your conversation deepens. However, if she shuts you down, respect her wishes. Don’t force yourself on her.

3. Be Sincere

When you compliment her, make sure you mean everything you say. Empty compliments will make you sound insincere—or worse, deceitful. If you think she won’t notice, think again! Women are quite intuitive.

Making half-hearted or dishonest compliments will make you sound like you expect a woman to give you her affection in return for your flattery. This is a complete and immediate turn-off for women.

4. Don’t Overdo It

Every woman wants to hear a nice compliment now and then. But peppering her with empty flattery can backfire big time. Likewise, if you keep repeating the same thing over and over again, it will soon sound a bit weird. This is especially true if the first one was not well-received.

5. See Past Her Physical Appearance

Imagine this scenario. While swiping on your dating app, you find someone you like. So you send her a message complimenting her looks. A few hours later, you still haven’t received a response. What went wrong? What did you say to make her so disinterested in you?

As it turns out, women aren’t that interested in being complimented on their physical attributes while online dating. The next time you see a girl you like, take time to check her profile. Does she have interesting hobbies? Is she witty? Kind? Funny?

Giving non-physical compliments lets a woman know that you appreciate her for who she is and not just her looks. So, when giving compliments, you have to show positive valuations for both her physical and non-physical qualities.

6. Avoid Backhanded Compliments

How you phrase your compliments can mean the difference between coming across as a great guy and sounding like a condescending jerk. In one survey, women were asked the most misguided compliments they’ve received, and the results are quite shocking.

One girl was told that she’s pretty, so she doesn’t need to know math, while another was told that she’s pretty for a black girl. The added qualifiers on these “compliments” made them sound more like an insult. If you think a woman is pretty, just say so. There’s no need to add anything else to your comment.

Likewise, don’t insult other girls when giving compliments. Saying “you’re so much more beautiful than all the ugly women here” won’t make her feel special. Most girls aren’t competing with each other. And making such a comment will just show how disrespectful you are.

7. Context is Key

If you want to strike a conversation with a beautiful stranger in a public place, be extra careful how you approach her. Your timing should also be right. If she’s sitting or walking alone, your approach might seem startling or even threatening—especially at night.

If the setting and timing are not right, being approached by a man in public can be a frightening experience for many women. The last thing you want to do is accidentally scare them when all you want to do is compliment them.


There’s so much more to a woman than her physical appearance. So when giving compliments, don’t focus solely on her looks. You should also comment on her intelligence, humor, and creativity. But do so in a non-insulting way. It sounds cheesy, but the best compliments are the ones that come from the heart.