Facial masks are always present in a skincare spa. Why? Because they’re the best way to infuse concentrated ingredients into your skin to address various skin problems like acne, dryness, inflammation, and so much more.

But you don’t have to traipse your way down to a spa to get the same complexion-enhancing effects of a skin care mask. You can do it all at home.

But you can’t just pick up any mask you find at the drugstore and slap it on your face. Not all facial masks were made the same. If your skin is drier than the Sahara, you can’t use the same mask as someone else who has oily skin. It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing.

So if you’re looking for the best beauty masks for your skin type, here are the best ones to add to your skincare regimen.

For Getting Rid of Dark Patches and Uneven Skin Tone

A little bit of foundation and concealer can go a long way in hiding your blemishes, but make sure you’re using an active peel mask so you don’t have to hide anything in the future.

REN Clean Skincare’s Glycol Lactic Radiance Renewal can help you with that. Its claim to fame is a blend of multiple alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that slough off dead skin cells, allowing fresh, new, and even skin to emerge. It’s an exfoliating mask, so don’t worry if you feel a little bit of tightness at first. It will go away once your skin gets used to it.

For Balancing Combination Skin

Harsh ingredients can make skin conditions worse if you have combination skin. Check out product labels and make sure to use skincare products that were made specifically for your skin type.

If you’re looking for a balancing facial mask, we recommend Charlotte Tilbury’s Goddess-Skin Clay Mask. It uses a combination of Spanish clay and sweet almond oil to reduce sebum and keep skin moisturized at the same time.

For Calming Red, Itchy, Irritated Skin

If you have sensitive skin, pay close attention to the type of facial mask you use. Peel-off masks are not for you since they contain ingredients that can irritate your skin. Instead, go for products with skin-soothing ingredients like oatmeal and aloe vera. These help reduce redness, irritation, and inflammation that often happens when your skin is exposed to harsh elements.

The Ultra Repair Instant Oatmeal Mask from First Aid Beauty is a godsend for sensitive skin. Not only will it clear and smoothen your skin, it will also soothe irritation and heal minor sun damage.

For Dull, Lifeless Skin

Sand and Sky Brilliant’s Skin Purifying Pink Clay Mask draws out impurities that make your skin look dull and patchy. It comes with a small brush that makes it much easier to apply. Did we mention it smells like heaven too?

If you’re not a fan of clay masks, check out Neutrogena’s Pink Grapefruit 100% Hydrogel Mask. It has grapefruit seed extract that’s rich in Vitamin C to give you radiant, acne-free skin.

Just keep in mind that not everyone’s skin reacts to Vitamin C the same way. Some prefer higher concentrations while others are good with lower amounts. If you feel itching, redness, or burning, stop using this mask immediately.


There’s a skincare face mask for everyone. You just have to keep looking until you find the right one. Don’t settle for a popular facial mask just because it’s popular. If it doesn’t work for your skin, then it’s not good for you. Always read labels and test, test, test until you find one that works for you.