Casual sex can be liberating. You don’t have to commit to anything. There are also no expectations on both parties—except for a night of pure, hot sex. Society has also become more accepting of it over the years. And several studies show that people exhibit higher well-being after casual sex.

However, there are also many things you need to consider before hooking up, especially with a stranger. This includes sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancy. And if you’re not too careful, someone may end up with emotional attachment. You need to learn how to safely hook up.

How to Hook Up with Someone You Don’t Know

I just want to hook up with him.

That’s probably what you’re thinking when contemplating casual sex. But are you sure you’re ready for it? You need to weigh in the pros and cons of having casual sex with a guy.

Here are a few hook-up questions you need to ask yourself before hooking up with strangers.

Am I Ready for This?

The first and foremost question you should ask yourself is if you’re ready for casual sex. If you’re just feeling peer pressure or obligated to have sex with him, you probably should hold off doing it. Don’t be pressured into doing something you don’t want or are not ready for.

Do I Like Him?

If you’re going to have casual sex with some, you have to at least like him. And we’re not just talking about physical attraction—although that is important too. He should also have to be a gentleman—someone who will respect you and your choices.

Can I Trust Him?

Before having casual sex with anyone, it’s prudent that you ask him questions about his sexual preferences and health. Can you trust him to answer your questions truthfully? If you, in any way, doubt his honesty, maybe you should look for somebody else.

Will I Regret It Later On?

Are you sure you won’t regret your decision in the morning? Casual sex should just be that — casual. Feelings of guilt, hurt, and having compromised your body and dignity don’t go with no-strings-attached sex. If you’re going to regret bedding a stranger later on, then it’s probably best not to do it.

How Drunk am I?

Alcohol lowers inhibitions, and that often leads to bad decisions. You’ll also likely to be more careless about stuff like contraception when you’re drunk. That’s why casual sex and alcohol don’t mix.

Am I Ready for the Consequences?

Having casual sex with the same person repeatedly can open you up to feeling feelings, which probably is not part of your plans. If you want a regular sex buddy, you should learn how to stay emotionally detached.

How to Tell a Guy You Want to Hook Up

The best way to tell a guy that you want to hook up with him is to tell him outright. But even in these modern times, some men still don’t know how to respond to women who are being too forward. They may feel flattered but flustered at the same time. To avoid coming off as too aggressive, you can take the indirect route.

You can play coy and flirty at the same time. Showing some cleavage doesn’t hurt too. If he can take a hint, then he’ll know that it’s your signal for a booty call. But the decision whether or not he accepts your invitation is up to him.


If you’re not yet ready to have casual sex, you can try having a hot sex chat online instead. But there’s absolutely nothing wrong if you want to try casual sex with a stranger. Women need to get laid too.

Go ahead and have a one-night stand with that guy you met on Tinder on your first date. But only do so if you really want to and feel safe doing so. You are a strong, empowered woman. Don’t let anyone make your decisions for you.